High-waisted heaven

If you don't know this about me yet, I la-la-LOVE high-waisted anything. I'm an hourglass figure, so it's a genrally flattering silhouette for my body type. But I'm also a mom of two kids. My stomach has soft stuff that I'd rather have tucked under my waistband rather than hanging out over top of it.…

Thanksgiving Outfits

Welp, here I am just starting to think about Thanksgiving while everyone else is hanging their stockings with care to the tune of Christmas carols. I thought having a whopping SEVEN days until Turkey Day was plenty of time to find a cute outfit, menu plan and prepare to host thirty of my in-laws at my house. While this might make some people break…

Trend Talk: Denim

I go thru phases of loving and hating jeans. That year after having each of my children? Didn't love jeans so much. Was more into pants of the elastic-waist variety...also known as jeggings.  But jeggings are not so much a thing anymore. Skinny jeans? Yes. But an actual jegging? No. And that's sad because those things are…

Fall Denim

I had a few friends recently ask me about denim styles for fall and it inspired me to do a little fashion shoot with my gal pal Lauryn Byrdy. I'm personally excited to get some new jeans because there's a lot happening with denim trends right now! The three cuts you'll be seeing everywhere are…